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Revision 46 as of 2009-10-26 13:43:45
Size: 6854
Editor: CelineComputer
Revision 48 as of 2009-10-26 13:48:08
Size: 2428
Editor: CelineComputer
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Lyon is situated at the foot of the French Alps. The Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL), at the Observatoire de Lyon (http://www-obs.univ-lyon1.fr/), has has recently contributed to major instrumental projects in 3D spectroscopy (i.e. OASIS, SAURON, MUSE) but also has a unique world-class expertise in semi-analytic modeling (in particular with GALICS), in the construction of mock catalogues (MOMAF, MOLUSC), and in the analysis of cosmological simulations (N-body, SPH, and AMR). This know-how has allowed the CRAL to play a major role in the HORIZON Project (funded by the ANR).

Our group has developed along the years a unique tradition of interaction between modelers and observational projects. In particular, we are closely collaborating with the VVDS team and with the GALEX team in Marseille. The CRAL hosts the PI (R. Bacon) and one co-I (B. Guiderdoni) of the MUSE instrument (to be on VLT); and J. Blaizot and others at the CRAL are members of the MUSE science team. The CRAL is also playing a key role in the technological development of NIRSpec (to be on the JWST), with the participation of P. Ferruit; and the CRAL is part of the ELIXIR european network (coordinated by S. Charlot) which aims to support the scientific preparation of guaranteed time observations with the JWST. J. Blaizot is also part of a couple of ESO large program proposals (PIs: G. Guzzo, S. Arnouts), and of the SPACE mission proposal to ESA (PI: A. Cimatti).

On top of a solid French network, our group has also developed strong interactions with the Oxford department of astrophysics and with the Potsdam Institute for Astrophysics. These collaborations will contribute to the smooth development of our project. Moreover, the CRAL is organising every second summer an international conference on selected topics.
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The Paris Observatory (http://www.obspm.fr/) is the largest research center in astronomy and astrophysics in France. The research is organised around the principal topics in astronomy and astrophysics: Meteorology of space and time, Sun and Sun-Earth system, Planetary systems, Interstellar Medium, Stellar Physics, Physics of galaxies, cosmology, Compact Objects and gravitational waves, History of sciences. Y. Rasera, recently appointed as a lecturer at the OBSPM has been doing is PhD at CEA/Saclay under the supervision of R. Teyssier a few years back. Both Y. Rasera and R. Teyssier have been active forefront participants in several of the modern and most successful AMR simulations in Europe within the project HORIZON (http://www.projet-horizon.fr/). The objective of the HORIZON Project is to federate numerical simulations activities with a program focused on Galaxy and Large Scale Structure Formation. In a context favorable to HPC (High Performance Computing), the PNC (Programme National Cosmologie), the PNG (Programme National Galaxies) and the PAP (Programme Astroparticule), express their needs to stimulate and coordinate individual efforts in HPC among each domain. The HORIZON Project was build on several research teams in different institutes. The scientific objective is specifically oriented towards studying galaxy formation in a cosmological framework. Its transverse and federative nature will however allow to develop in a few years high-level expertise in parallel and distributed (GRID) computing, in database management and virtual observations, in applied mathematics and computer science, and build in the same time a strong theoretical knowledge in astrophysics. The coupling of numerical/theoretical expertise with the observational data is promising in term of obtaining improved understanding of the physical processes related to galaxy formation in the distant Universe. Scientific expertise is strong in the field of galaxy formation and evolution.
The Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP; http://www.iap.fr/) at the forefront of current research in several topics directly associated to the subject of this proposal, in particular the physics of galaxies. The IAP is one of the 5 institutes of the European Association of Research in Astronomy (EARA), and on of its 3 founding members. The IAP has a staff of 160 scientists, engineers, technicians, administrators and graduate students, and regularly hosts numerous student trainees and foreign visitors. Each year, the IAP is holding an international conference on a topic relevant to cosmology.

BINGO!'s Wiki


Welcome to the BINGO!'s Wiki. BINGO!, which stands for "history of Baryons: INtergalactic medium/Galaxies cO-evolution", is a 4-year ANR ("Agence Nationale de la Recherche"; http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/) funded project to start January 2009 (ANR-08-BLAN-0316-01). BINGO! is a consortium of three institutes based in Marseille, Lyon and Paris. The science case for the project is summarized below.


  • Bruno Milliard:


  • Jean-Michel Deharveng:



  • Didier Vibert:s


  • Antoine Llebaria:



  • Robert Grange:


  • Stephan Frank


  • Attila Popping:





  • Stephanie Courty:




  • Romain Teyssier:


  • Stephane Charlot:


