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GecoWiki: AllWrite

All Write


You can dedicate one hour weekly to write on any project in a dedicated quiet room.

Basic Idea: Get together for a dedicated hour of just writing what needs to be written: your paper, your thesis, your report, your grant application, your code, etc. etc., you name it. The purpose is to have a regularly scheduled block of time for this (once or twice a week, one hour each), to keep each other accountable and provide an atmosphere of quiet productivity without distractions and interruptions.

The writing hour is open for and to everyone. By scheduling a time (like you would for a seminar) and blocking off this time regularly for writing some people find it easier to make regular progress with all their writing projects. If you are curious if this could work for you, please come and try it out. Any questions can be directed to the event organizers.


Every Wednesday at 16:00 - 17:00 pm at LAM.


usually Room Tramontane, 2nd floor

Event Organizers

Janine Pforr

Tips, Tricks and Guidelines for the All Write

* Please keep a quiet atmosphere to allow everybody to work on their project as undisturbed as possible.

* Switch off as many external distractions as possible, including the internet (or websites you frequently visit) and your email for that hour.

* Come prepared:

  • Bring your notepad, pen, paper, laptop.
  • Bring coffee/tea/snacks/water if you need it.
  • Know what you want to write: which project?
  • Set an achievable goal for the hour. Start small, you can always increase it later.

* Share your goal on the whiteboard if you want, it will keep you accountable.

* Write imperfectly. You can always polish your draft at a later session.

* Come regularly to build a writing habit.

Happy Writing!