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GecoWiki: Diff for "CafeClub"

Differences between revisions 638 and 799 (spanning 161 versions)
Revision 638 as of 2023-04-11 13:15:02
Size: 37559
Editor: CarloSchimd
Revision 799 as of 2025-02-10 10:52:39
Size: 49989
Editor: CarloSchimd
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Informal presentation of about 20-25 minutes followed by a 5-10 min discussion.  The presentation could be a proper short focused talk or just a few slides with mainly figures, or just some simulating sketch at the white-board. The content could be some new results or ideas related to past, on-going or future projects in stellar, galactic, and extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology. Visitors are kindly invited to participate and give a presentation. Last-year PhD Student and Post-Docs are encouraged to participate and contribute talks. Informal presentation of about 20-25 minutes followed by a 5-10 minutes discussion. The content could be some new results or ideas related to past, on-going or future projects in stellar, galactic, and extragalactic physics, and cosmology. Visitors are kindly invited to participate and give a presentation. Last-year PhD students with rewarded publications and post-docs are encouraged to participate and contribute talks.
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Every '''Wednesday at 11:00 am''' on zoom or in hybrid mode (in person and on zoom). If on zoom only, the seminar is broadcast in the Library at LAM. Every '''Wednesday at 3:00 pm''' on zoom or in hybrid mode (in person and on zoom). If on zoom only, the seminar is broadcast in Lavande or Mistral rooms at LAM.
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=== 2023 (Event Organizers: M. Ezziati, M. Van Cuyck, C. Schimd) ===
 * 31st May [hybrid] - Michal Bilek - [TBA, something on: nearby galaxies]
 * 3rd May [?] - Flora Stanley
 * 26th April [hybrid] - Richard Feder-Staehle - TBA
 * 19th April [hybrid] - Malgorzata Siudek - Overmassive black holes in dwarf galaxies out to z ~ 0.9 in the VIPERS survey
 * 14th April [hybrid] - Catherine Cerny - TBA
 * 12th April [hybrid] - Pierre Boldrini - Monge-Ampère gravity at cosmological scales
 * 5th April [hybrid] - Franciele Kruczkiewicz - TBA
 * 29th March [hybrid] - Denis Burgarella - Spectroscopic verification of very luminous galaxy candidates in the early universe
 * 15th March [hybrid] - Silvia Martocchia - The origin of globular clusters and their anomalous stellar populations
 * 13th March [hybrid][extra] - Hiroya Umeda - Cosmic reionization sources and history probed with large galaxy surveys and photoionization modeling
=== 2025 (Event Organizers: D. Santos, E. Mangola, P. Suin, C. Schimd) ===
 * 4th March [hybrid] - Adrien Kuntz - Measuring supermassive black hole properties from binary inspirals in LISA
 * 25th February [hybrid] - Thomas Montandon - TBA
 * 12th February [hybrid] - Simone Sartori - The imprint of cosmic voids from the DESI Legacy Survey DR9 LRGs in the Planck 2018 lensing map
 * 5th February [hybrid] - Floriane Leclercq -
Identifying the galaxies that reionized the Universe: tracing ionizing photons through LyA, Mg II and [O II] diagnostics
 * 29th January [hybrid] - Gaspar Galaz - Giant low surface brightness galaxies and the extraordinary case of Malin 1
 * 22nd January [''unusual time''][zoom] - Martijn Oei - Porphyrion, astrophysical magnetogenesis in voids, and γ-ray beams
 * 15th January [zoom] - Nastassia Grimm-Thieme - The impact of large-scale galaxy clustering on the Hellings-Downs correlation
=== 2024 (Event Organizers: D. Santos, P. Suin, C. Schimd) ===
 * 19th December [''unusual day''][zoom] - Ana Acebron - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_12_19_ACEBRON/|The next step in galaxy cluster strong lensing: modeling the surface brightness of multiply-imaged sources]]
 * 11th December [zoom] - Nicolas Martin - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_12_11_MARTIN/|A global view of the Andromeda dwarf galaxy system after 20 years of systematic searches]]
 * 4th December [zoom] - Francesco Ziparo - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_12_04_ZIPARO/|Primordial black holes as supermassive black holes seeds]]
 * 28th November [''extra''] [hybrid] - Maximilien Franco - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_11_28_FRANCO/|Brightest Galaxies During the Epoch of Reionization in COSMOS-Web]]
 * 27th November [zoom] - Marcus Brüggen - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_11_27_BRUGGEN/|On filaments and giants]]
 * 13th November [zoom] - Alexandre Toubiana - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_11_13_TOUBIANA/|Reconciling PTA and JWST and preparing for LISA with POMPOCO: a Parametrisation Of the Massive black hole POpulation for Comparison to Observations]]
 * 6th November [hybrid] - Denis Burgarella - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_11_06_BURGARELLA/|The PRobe far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics in Phase A]]
 * 30th October [zoom] - Raphaël Mignon-Risse - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_10_30_MIGNON_RISSE/|Towards multi-messenger observations of accreting supermassive binary black holes]]
 * 23rd October [zoom] - Demetra De Cicco - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_10_23_DE_CICCO/|11 years of AGN variability studies with the VST]]
 * 17th October [zoom] - Niall Jeffrey - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_17_10_JEFFREY/|Decoding dark energy via simulation-based inference with Dark Energy Survey gravitational lensing]]
 * 7-9th October - '''''PNCG "Galaxies"'''''
 * 2nd October [zoom] - Benedikt Diemer - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_10_02_DIEMER/|Galaxy clusters as dark matter laboratories]]
 * 26th September [zoom] - Benedetta Spina - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_25_09_SPINA/|Damping wings in the LyA-forest: a model-independent measurement of the neutral fraction at 5.4<z<6.1]]
 * 10th July [hybrid] - Joss Bland-Hawthorn - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_10_07_BLAND_HAWTHORN/|High redshift, turbulent discs: New insights]]
 * 3rd July [hybrid] - Yucheng Guo - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_03_07_GUO/|Mapping the multi-component circumgalactic medium through extremely deep MUSE observations]]
 * 26th June [zoom] - Giovanni Cresci - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_06_26_CRESCI/|The physical properties, acceleration mechanism and impact of AGN outflows from low to high redshift]]
 * 19th June [hybrid] - Valentina Abril Melgarejo - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_19_06_ABRIL-MELGAREJO/|Mapping multi-phase mixing of metals of local high-z analogs]]
 * 12th June [zoom] - Marta Reina-Campos - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_06_12_REINA_CAMPOS/|Beacons in the sky: star clusters in Abell 2744 from JWST]]
 * 3rd June [zoom] - Anna de Graaff - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_03_06_GRAAFF/|Tracing early galaxy assembly with JWST and cosmological simulations]]
 * 29th May [zoom] - Gianfranco Bertone - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_29_05_BERTONE/|Dark Matter Mounds: towards a realistic description of dark matter overdensities around black holes]]
 * 22nd May [hybrid] - Franz Bauer - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_22_05_BAUER/|The 4MOST Chilean AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (ChANGES)]]
 * 15th May [zoom] - Thierry Contini - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_15_05_CONTINI/|MAGIC: MUSE gAlaxy Groups In COSMOS]]
 * 8th May - ''public holiday''
 * 1st May - ''public holiday''
 * 24th April [zoom] - Sebastian Grandis - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_24_04_GRANDIS/|DES Y3 weak lensing analysis of eRASS1 galaxy clusters]] (presentation [[attachment:SebastianGrandis_presentation.pdf|pdf]])
 * 17th April [zoom] - Pauline Zarrouk - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_17_04_ZARROUK/|DESI Y1 first results: BAO cosmological results and galaxy Full-Shape pipeline]]
 * 10th April [zoom] - Carlo Giocoli - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_10_04_GIOCOLI/|The splashback radius of Amico clusters]]
 * 27th March [hybrid] - Arturo Nuñez - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_03_27_NUNEZ/|The impact of baryonic physics in galaxy formation: Multi-scale approach to galaxy simulations]]
 * 20th March [hybrid] - Andreas Lundgren - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_03_20_LUNDGREN/|AtLAST - the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope project]]
 * 13th March [zoom] - Amael Ellien - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_03_13_ELLIEN/|A multiscale view of the Intracluster light in the JWST/Euclid era]]
 * 21st February [zoom] - Stéphane Blondin - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_02_21_BLONDIN/|Constraining Supernova Progenitors through Strong Lensing in the Rubin LSST Era]]
 * 14th February [zoom] - Keir Rogers - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_02_14_ROGERS/|A new 5σ cosmic discrepancy: twenty years of growing evidence for new fundamental physics in the Lyman-alpha forest and implications for the Euclid-Rubin era]]
 * 31st January [hybrid] - Lina Castiblanco Tolosa - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_01_31_CASTIBLANCO/|Tomographic analysis with the weak lensing convergence one-point statistics]]
 * 17th January [hybrid] - Adélaïde Claeyssens - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_01_17_CLAEYSSENS/|Resolving star formation processes at 10-100s pc resolution in distant galaxies with JWST/NIRCam]]
 * 17th January [zoom] - Arache Djannati-Ataï - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_01_17_DJANNATI-ATAI/|HESS discovery of highest energy gamma-rays ever observed from a pulsar]]
 * 10th January [hybrid] - Junais - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_01_10_JUNAIS/|Dust properties of low surface brightness galaxies and their implications for future large sky surveys]]
=== 2023 (Event Organizers: M. Ezziati, P. Suin, M. Van Cuyck, C. Schimd) ===
 * 20th December [zoom] - Elena Pierpaoli - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_12_20_PIERPAOLI/|Cluster science in multi-wavelength]]
 * 13th December [hybrid] - Christopher Martin - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_12_13_MARTIN/|Imaging the Cosmic Web]]
 * 6th December [hybrid] - Carlos Gomez-Guijarro - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_12_5_GOMEZ-GUIJARRO/|Understanding the role of compact star formation in galaxy evolution with ALMA and JWST]]
 * 28th November [hybrid] - Matthieu Berthemin - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_11_28_BETHERMIN/|How does star form at high redshift? Kennicutt-Schmidt relation in z > 4 normal star-forming galaxies]]
 * 22nd November [hybrid] - Lise Ramambason - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_11_22_RAMAMBASON/|Feedback mechanisms in the multiphase ISM: insights from unresolved and resolved galaxies]]
 * 15th November [hybrid] - Kirill Grishin - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_20223_11_15_GRISHIN/|Transforming gas-rich low-mass disky galaxies into ultra-diffuse galaxies by ram pressure ]]
 * 10th November [hybrid] - Gilles Joncas - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_18_10_JONCAS/|The HII Sh2-158 region: thermodynamics and “direct” quantification of turbulence]]
 * 8th November [zoom] - Melanie Habouzit - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_11_08_HABOUZIT/|Constraining the origin and assembly of massive black holes]]
 * 25th October [zoom] - Paola Popesso - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_10_25_POPESSO/|The X-ray invisible Universe. A look into the halos undetected by eROSITA]]
 * 18th October [zoom] - James Pearson - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_10_18_PEARSON/|A large population of strongly lensed faint sub-mm galaxies in future dark energy surveys inferred from JWST imaging]]
 * 4th October [hybrid] - Boris Kalita - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_10_04_KALITA/|Clumpy galaxies at z>1 in the era of JWST: moving beyond the UV wavelengths]]
 * 27th September [hybrid] - Antonio de Ugarte Postigo - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_09_27_DEUGARTE/|Stellar and galactic evolution studied with gamma-ray bursts]]
 * 20th September [zoom] - Kamlesh Rajpurohit - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_09_20_RAJPUROHIT/|Abell 746: A highly disturbed cluster undergoing multiple mergers]]
 * 28th June [hybrid] - Carla Cornil Baïotto - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_06_28_CORNIL_BAIOTTO/|Strong lens modelling of rich galaxy clusters]]
 * 27th June [hybrid] - Shawn Knabel - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_06_27_KNABEL/|Breaking MAD: joint constraints on the mass profiles and orbital anisotropies of elliptical galaxies with spatially resolved kinematics]]
 * 21st June [zoom] - Marta Berti - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_06_21_BERTI/|Probing the ΛCDM Universe and beyond with HI Intensity Mapping]]
 * 14th June [zoom] - Andrea Saccardi & Susanna Vergani - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_06_14_SACCARDI/|Dissecting the interstellar medium of a z = 6.3 galaxy]]
 * 31st May [hybrid] - Michal Bilek - ''What is the origin of the different kinematic morphologies of early-type galaxies?'' [recording available upon request]
 * 17th May [hybrid] - Patrice Theulé - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_05_17_THEULE/|Warm temperature formation of interstellar molecular hydrogen on a carbonaceous surface]]
 * 10th May [zoom] - Matthew Lehnert - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_05_10_LEHNERT/|A possible stream of accreting cold atomic and molecular gas in the halo of a high-redshift radio galaxy]]
 * 3rd May - Flora Stanley - CANCELLED
 * 26th April [hybrid] - Richard Feder-Staehle - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_26_FEDER-STAEHLE/|PCAT-DE: Reconstructing point-like and diffuse emission using spatial and spectral information]]
 * 19th April [hybrid] - Malgorzata Siudek - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_19_SIUDEK/|Supermassive black holes in dwarf galaxies out to z ~ 0.9 in the VIPERS survey]]
 * 14th April [hybrid] - Catherine Cerny - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_14_CERNY/|Probing the inner density profile of galaxy clusters with strong lensing and MUSE spectroscopy]]
 * 12th April [hybrid] - Pierre Boldrini - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_12_BOLDRINI/|Monge-Ampère gravity at cosmological scales]]
 * 5th April [hybrid] - Franciele Kruczkiewicz - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_05_KRUCZKIEWICZ/|Water’s journey to Earth: A Virtual Reality outreach project]]
 * 29th March [hybrid] - Denis Burgarella - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_29_BURGARELLA/|Spectroscopic verification of very luminous galaxy candidates in the early universe]]
 * 15th March [hybrid] - Silvia Martocchia - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_15_MARTOCCHIA/|The origin of globular clusters and their anomalous stellar populations]]
 * 13th March [hybrid] - Hiroya Umeda - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_13_UMEDA/|Cosmic reionization sources and history probed with large galaxy surveys and photoionization modeling]]
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 * 15th February [hybrid] - Massimo Guidi - Constraining the larges-scale-structure with new modelling approaches of the three-point correlation function
 * 8th February [zoom]['''IPhU seminar'''] - Mohammad Safarzadeh - A new approach to constrain the Hubble expansion rate at high redshifts by gravitational waves
 * 25th January [hybrid] - Jorge Villa - Molecular hydrogen (H2) emission as a tracer of dissipation in the extragalactic ISM
 * 15th February [hybrid] - Massimo Guidi - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_02_15_GUIDI/|Constraining the larges-scale-structure with new modelling approaches of the three-point correlation function]]
 * 8th February [zoom]['''IPhU seminar'''] - Mohammad Safarzadeh - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_02_08_SAFARZADEH/|A new approach to constrain the Hubble expansion rate at high redshifts by gravitational waves]]
 * 25th January [hybrid] - Jorge Villa - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_01_25_VILLA/|Molecular hydrogen (H2) emission as a tracer of dissipation in the extragalactic ISM]]

Café Club


Informal presentation of about 20-25 minutes followed by a 5-10 minutes discussion. The content could be some new results or ideas related to past, on-going or future projects in stellar, galactic, and extragalactic physics, and cosmology. Visitors are kindly invited to participate and give a presentation. Last-year PhD students with rewarded publications and post-docs are encouraged to participate and contribute talks.

For seminars by GSP and GRD groups and general LAM seminars, see here.


Every Wednesday at 3:00 pm on zoom or in hybrid mode (in person and on zoom). If on zoom only, the seminar is broadcast in Lavande or Mistral rooms at LAM.

Event Organizers

Event organisers are listed at CafeClubGroup


2025 (Event Organizers: D. Santos, E. Mangola, P. Suin, C. Schimd)

  • 4th March [hybrid] - Adrien Kuntz - Measuring supermassive black hole properties from binary inspirals in LISA
  • 25th February [hybrid] - Thomas Montandon - TBA
  • 12th February [hybrid] - Simone Sartori - The imprint of cosmic voids from the DESI Legacy Survey DR9 LRGs in the Planck 2018 lensing map
  • 5th February [hybrid] - Floriane Leclercq -

Identifying the galaxies that reionized the Universe: tracing ionizing photons through LyA, Mg II and [O II] diagnostics

  • 29th January [hybrid] - Gaspar Galaz - Giant low surface brightness galaxies and the extraordinary case of Malin 1
  • 22nd January [unusual time][zoom] - Martijn Oei - Porphyrion, astrophysical magnetogenesis in voids, and γ-ray beams

  • 15th January [zoom] - Nastassia Grimm-Thieme - The impact of large-scale galaxy clustering on the Hellings-Downs correlation

2024 (Event Organizers: D. Santos, P. Suin, C. Schimd)

2023 (Event Organizers: M. Ezziati, P. Suin, M. Van Cuyck, C. Schimd)

2022 (Event Organizers: G. Bonnet, M. Ezziati, M. Van Cuyck, C. Schimd)

2021 (Event Organizers: Guillaume Bonnet, Carlo Schimd)

2020 (Event Organizers: Guillaume Bonnet, Carlo Schimd)

  • 16th December - Antonella Palmese - Gravitational wave cosmology with galaxy surveys

  • 9th December - Alessia Longobardi - Bridging the cluster-ICM-galaxy evolution at small scales

  • 2nd December - Alejandro Perez - Resolving the H0 tension with Black Hole diffusion from quantum gravity

  • 25th November - Fabien Louvet - Similarities and differences between low and high-mass star formation

  • 18th November - Alfonso Veropalumbo - Cosmological constraints from higher-order clustering analysis

  • 10th November - Yijun (Ali) Wang - Gravitational wave detection with photometric surveys

  • 4th November - Nicolas Martinet - Probing dark energy with tomographic weak-lensing aperture mass statistics

  • 28th October - Ignasi Pérez-Ràfols - BAO with Lyman-alpha forest

  • 21st October - Mathilde Jauzac - Looking at galaxy clusters with VLT/MUSE and HST

  • 14th October - Massimo Meneghetti - An excess of small-scale gravitational lenses observed in galaxy clusters
  • 30th September - Matteo Fossati - Galaxy environments across cosmic time: unveiling gas in absorption and emission with large surveys
  • 23rd September - Adrian Bittner - Nuclear stellar structures in barred galaxies of the TIMER survey
  • 9th September - Matma Pandey-Pommier - Nonthermal emission and gas interaction in galaxy clusters
  • 2nd July - Sutieng Tam - Mapping dark matter of a post-merger galaxy cluster MS0451-03 and its surroundings
  • 1st July - Julien Lavalle - Dark matter candidates: a status
  • 24th June - Paolo Cassata - The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey: Small LyA-[CII] velocity offsets in main-sequence galaxies at 4.4 < z < 6

  • 17th June - Angelo Ricciardone - Characterization of cosmological gravitational waves with LISA detector
  • 10th June - Nicola Menci - Constraints on dynamical dark energy models from the abundance of massive galaxies at high redshift
  • 3rd June - Magda Arnaboldi - Elliptical galaxies/stellar halos connection
  • 27th May - Maxime Trebitsch - The contribution of AGN and stellar populations to the high-redshift ionizing UV background
  • 20th May - Julian Bautista - Towards final cosmological results from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
  • 13th May - Ricarda Beckmann - Dense gas in galaxy clusters under the influence of an AGN jet
  • 6th May - Chervin Laporte - Stellar ages and chemistry as key diagnostics of dynamical processes shaping the Milky Way
  • +++ covid-19 break +++

  • 4th March - Amael Ellien - Detection of ICL with sparse analysis-by-synthesis approach
  • 19th February - Christophe Morisset - Hubi 1 the upside-down planetary nebula
  • 5th February - Jens-Kristian Krogager - Absorption spectroscopy as a unique probe of galaxy evolution
  • 29th January - Guillaume Mahler - STRONG LENSING: Illuminating clusters of galaxies and the structures behind them
  • 15th January - Katarina Kraljic - The impact of the connectivity of the cosmic web on the physical properties of galaxies at its nodes

2019 (Event Organizers: Elena Sarpa, Carlo Schimd)

  • 27th November - Thibaud Moutard - Local vs. Global: environment frames the NUVrK big picture of the star-formation quenching
  • 21st November - Carolina Queiroz - Optical selection of quasars: probing the large-scale structure with narrow-band filter surveys
  • 20th November - Ixandra Achitouv - Testing for the environmental dependence of the growth rate
  • 13th November - exceptional Café-Club - Hidehiro Kaneda & Takehiko Wada - two talks: 1) SPICA: the next crucial step alter Herschel and AKARI for future mid- and far-infrared astronomy & 2) SPICA Mid-infrared Instrument (SMI): technical design and science capabilities

  • 16th October - William Gillard - Euclid NISP: forthcoming tests at LAM
  • 9th October - Joachim Harnois-Deraps - Weak lensing beyond two-point statistics
  • 2nd October - Sascha Zeegers - Investigating the properties of interstellar silicates using X-ray spectroscopy
  • 25th September - Adarsh Ranjan - Probing high column density neutral gas in the early universe in absorption
  • 18th September - Patrick Côté - CASTOR: The Cosmological Advanced Survey Telescope for Optical and uv Research
  • 11th September - Jonathan Freundlich - Galaxy evolution: a gas perspective
  • 4th September - Angus Wright - Improving redshift calibration for cosmic shear
  • 3rd July - Iary Davidson - A paradigm shift in astrophysics?
  • 26th June - Carlo Giocoli - Lensing simulation of galaxy clusters: from theory to observations
  • 19th June - Raoul Canameras - Star formation and feedback mechanisms in high-z starbursts
  • 12th June - Guang Yang - What drives the growth of black holes?
  • 5th June - Jérémy Fensch - Gas mass fraction of galaxies and star formation regulation
  • 22nd May - Kimmo Kiiveri - Bayesian estimator for the CODEX cluster sample
  • 10th April - Pierre Fleury - Weak gravitational lensing with finite beams
  • 28th March - Agnès Ferté - Cosmic acceleration: beyond the cosmological constant
  • 13th March - Charling Tao - BAO with voids
  • 6th March - Ignasi Pérez Ràfols - Quasar identification with SQUEzE
  • 27th February - Sarah Antier - Gravitational waves astronomy and GRANDMA
  • 13th February - Laurent Chemin - The velocity anisotropy of gas in galactic disks
  • 7th February - Mathieu Puech/Hector Flores - MOONS: Multi Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph for the VLT
  • 30th January - Michel-Andrès Breton - Relativistic effects on galaxy clustering statistics
  • 22nd January - Jenny Sorce - Do we need a new cosmological model? GMO-CLONES, a solution to the precision cosmology dilemma
  • 15th January - Clotilde Laigle - Horizon-AGN virtual observatory: SED-fitting performance and forecasts for future imaging surveys

2018 (Event Organizers: Elena Sarpa, Carlo Schimd)

  • 4th December - Ramona Augustin - Observing the circum-galactic medium in absorption and emission
  • 29th November - Rosa Leticia Becerra Godinez - Reverse shock emission revealed in early photometry in the possible short GRB 180418A
  • 27th November - Nicolas Laporte - Unveiling the age of the most distant galaxies
  • 20th November - Adam Hawken - The growth rate of structure around voids in GAMA
  • 13th November - Tamas Norbert Varga - Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: Weak lensing mass calibration of redMaPPer galaxy clusters
  • 6th November - Giovanni Covone - Gravitational lensing detection of an extremely dense environment around a galaxy cluster
  • 16th October - Sally Heap - Evolution of galaxies and stars with CETUS
  • 25th September - Fabien Lacasa - Cosmology with galaxy surveys: the impact of non-linearity
  • 18th September - Cullan Howlett - Cosmology with peculiar velocity surveys
  • 11th September - Benjamin L’Huillier - Cosmological structure formation in LCDM and beyond: Testing LCDM with N-body simulations and advanced statistical methods
  • 10th July - Johan Richard - BlueMUSE
  • 15th May - Grzergorz Gajda - Tidally induced bars in gas-rich dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way
  • 26th April - Mauro Sereno - Multi-probe analysis of galaxy clusters
  • 29th April - Luis Reyes-Galindo - Do you know how the arXiv works?
  • 17th April - William Pearson - The Main Sequence of Star Forming Galaxies Beyond Herschel's Confusion Limit
  • 10th April - Ghassem Gozaliasl - TBD
  • 20th February - Nicolas Martinet - Cosmological constraints from shear peaks in the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS)
  • 6th February - Seiji Fujimoto - Average morphology of high-z dusty star-forming galaxies: compact dusty disk embedded in stellar disk harboring an AGN
  • 23rd January - Jean-Loup Puget - The Planck cosmological parameters

2017 (Event Organizers: Ana Acebron, Elena Sarpa, Carlo Schimd)

  • 12th December - Hadi Rahmani - Studying the cold gas in the circumgalactic medium of intermediate redshift galaxies using QSO-galaxy pairs
  • 28th November - Florian Sarron - Evolution of the cluster optical luminosity function in the CFHTLS: breaking the degeneracy between mass and redshift
  • 27th November - exceptional joint Galaxy Evolution circle - Café Club @ 2pm - Annalisa De Cia - ISM metals out to high z using QSOs and GRBs

  • 21st November - Raphael Gavazzi - AMALGAM: the mass distribution of 122 galaxy clusters from CFHT and Subaru archival wide field images
  • 14th November - Francesca Fragkoudi - The disk origin of the Milky Way bulge
  • 7th November - Jacopo Chevallard - Getting ready for JWST with new-generation spectral models and interpretation tools
  • 17th October - Ignasi Pérez Ràfols - TBD
  • 10th October - Peter Mitchell​ - The physics controlling the evolution of star formation rates in star-forming galaxies
  • 5th October - Camilla Pacifici - Synergy between galaxy models and observations to unveil the high-redshift Universe
  • 3rd October - Andra Stroe - Cosmic tsunamis and tornadoes
  • 19th September - Fangting Yuan - Spatially resolved star formation and dust attenuation in Mrk848: Comparison of the integral field spectra and the UV-to-IR SED
  • 12th September - Médéric Boquien - Finding the weirdest SDSS-IV/MaNGA galaxies
  • 5th September - Remi Adam - The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effects to probe the formation of distant clusters
  • 18th July - Shude Mao - Evidence for IMF variations from the MaNGA survey
  • 5th July - Alessia Longobardi - The VIRGO PN population and the mass assembly in M87
  • 4th July - Giulia Cusin - Anisotropies of the astrophysical gravitational wave background: a general framework
  • 29th June - Karina Voggel - The quest to find super-massive black holes within UCDs: How many of them are the former nuclei of galaxies?
  • 27th June - Laurie Riguccini- Chasing star-forming early-type galaxies in dense environments : Galaxies in transitions in clusters
  • 22nd June - Carlos Lopez-Sanjuan - ALHAMBRA B-band (z < 1) and UV (z > 2.5) luminosity functions by PDF analysis

  • 21nd June - Christos Efthimiopoulos - The invariant manifold modelling of spiral structure
  • 20th June - Special Café Club (followed by an open discussion)
    • Delphine Porquet - Observations en rayons X des régions centrales des Noyaux Actifs de Galaxies (AGN) et diagnostics de plasmas en rayons X

      & Nicolas Grosso - L'activité de Sagittarius A* et l'accrétion épisodique dans les étoiles jeunes

  • 15th June - Davide Punzo - 3D Visualization and Analysis of HI in and around galaxies
  • 13th June - Nicolas Peretto - The energy balance of infrared dark clouds from tenths to tens parsec scale
  • 6th June - Amira Tawfeek - Photometric investigation of Pairs and Triplet Galaxies
  • 30th May - Stéphane Arnouts/Fabrice Madec - The PFS/SUMIRE spectrograph
  • 23th May - Marcin Semczuk - Tidal origin of spiral arms in galaxies orbiting a cluster
  • 17th May (warning it's Wednesday) - Tom Broadhurst - New Gravitational Properties of Galaxy Clusters
  • 16th May - Panos Patsis - Stellar and gaseous flows in barred-spiral models: The implications for star formation along the spiral arms
  • 9th May - Katarina Kraljic - Coupling of scales, “Who ordered this?” or “How well do we understand star formation?”
  • 25th April -Shun Saito - Ly-Alpha intensity mapping with HETDEX
  • 11th April - Henri Plana - The NGC 454 system: anatomy of a wet interaction
  • 4th April - Grzegorz Gajda - Tidally induced bars in dwarfs galaxies on different orbits around a Milky Way-like host
  • 21st March - Anna Niemiec - Stellar-to-halo mass relation of cluster galaxies
  • 14th March - Miguel Figueira - Star formation at the edge of ionized regions
  • 7th March - Gabriel Bartosch Caminha - Probing the distant Universe and dark matter with Hubble and MUSE observations of lensing clusters
  • 28th February - Michael Blomqvist - BAO in the Lyman-alpha forest of BOSS/eBOSS quasars
  • 21st February - Janusz Krywult - Coevolution of galaxy morphology and colour to z~1
  • 14th February - Thibaud Moutard - On the quenching of young/low-mass galaxies since z~0.6: New spotlight on environment lead role
  • 7th February - Iary Davidzon - What does high redshift means? The long, long way towards the first light (in the COSMOS field).
  • 31st January - Katarina Kraljic - Cosmic Web as a natural metric for galaxy evolution
  • 24th January - Malgorzata Siudek - Formation and evolution of stellar population based on the red passive galaxies observed up to z ∼ 1
  • 17th January - Sean Morrison - Element Abundances in a Sub-DLA Absorber at z=5
  • 10th January - Laure Ciesla - Identifying recently quenched galaxies from broad band SED modeling
  • 3rd January - Benoît Epinat - Galactic and extragalactic science with HARMONI/EELT (followed by an open discussion about GECO/LAM involvement)

2016 (Event Organizers: Ana Acebron, Carlo Schimd)

  • 13th December - Alessandro Boselli - Quenching of the star formation activity of cluster galaxies
  • 6th December - Melville Ulmer- Update on the Athena mirror size, potential implications, and the future of X-ray astronomy
  • 1st December - Stéphane de Barros - Galaxy physical properties at the edge of the cosmic reionization
  • 29th November - Begoña Ascaso - Cluster cosmology with Euclid, LSST and J-PAS.
  • 22nd November - Denis Burgarella - JWST, WFIRST and FLARE predicted number counts at 10 < z < 15: the case for a Wide-Field N+MIR Space Telescope

  • 15th November - Hiroyuki Hirashita - Simulation of dust evolution in galaxies
  • 8th November - Wagner Marcolino - New mass-loss rates for massive stars: why bother?
  • 7th November (warning it's Monday, @14h) - Jordi Miralda Escudé - Lyman alpha emission on large scales and high-redshift galaxies as a probe of reionization.
  • 2nd November (warning it's Wednesday) - Mathilde Jauzac - Hubble Frontiers Fields : The Extraordinary Abell 2744
  • 27th October (warning it's Thursday) - Anthony Whitworth - A ram pressure threshold for star formation
  • 25th October - Cécile Gry - Anatomy of a small, diffuse cloud passing over the sun in the middle of a hot, empty bubble
  • 18th October - Ghassem Gozaliasl - Evolution of bright central galaxies in massive haloes over 9 billion years
  • 11th October - Tsutomu T. Takeuchi - A self-consistent radiative transfer model including the chemical evolution, dust evolution, and clumpiness of the ISM
  • 4th October - Nicolas Martinet - Calibrating galaxy shape measurements for Euclid: impact of galaxies below the detection limit.
  • 27th September - Lin Yan - The CII local luminosity function
  • 20th September - Hong-Li Liu - Drama of the HII regions/IR bubbles: regulating ISM and star formation
  • 13th September - César Caretta - Caustics Masses and Scaling Relation for Nearby Galaxy Clusters
  • 31st August (warning is Wednesday) - Andreas Faisst - Insights into the high-redshift Universe using Spitzer and Local Galaxies
  • 13th July (warning is Wednesday) Yuichi Harikane - Evolution of Stellar-to-Halo Mass Ratio at z=0-7 Identified by Clustering Analysis with the Hubble Legacy Imaging and Early Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey Data
  • 7th June (Special Cafe Club @ Amphi LAM) - Olivier Le Fèvre - The WFIRST-AFTA space mission
  • 24th May - Kasia Malek - Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies: which AGN types contribute to their infrared emission?
  • 10th May - Julien Bel - Non local bias between matter and galaxies
  • 10th May (Postponed) - Laure Ciesla - The imprint of rapid star formation quenching on the spectral energy distributions of galaxies
  • 3rd May - Iary Davidzon - The high-z universe encolsed in the COSMOS2015 catalogue
  • 26th April - Bruno Ribeiro - The morphology of star-forming galaxies during their assembly phase
  • 5th April - Celine Peroux - Metallicity and geometry as gas flow probes
  • 29th March - Darko Donevski - Possible Breaking of FIR-Radio Correlation in Interacting Galaxies
  • 22th March - Isabelle Pâris - Extreme outflows in high-redshift red quasars
  • 15th March - FLARE Meeting
  • 8th March - Nicola Malavasi - The environment-dependent evolution of massive galaxies to z=3 in the UltraVISTA-COSMOS field
  • 1st March - Guilaine Lagache - Intensity mapping of the atomic carbon CII line: a new observational promise of the Epoch of Reonisation
  • 23th February - Paolo Serra - Cosmic star formation history and Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect from a global analysis of Herschel and SPT clustering data
  • 18th February - Mathilde Jauzac - Hubble Frontier Fields : SN Tom & SN Refsdal — What we learn about lensing?

  • 16th February - Merce Romero-Gomez (Universitat de Barcelona): Getting ready for the scientific exploitation of Gaia data on the structure of our Galaxy.
  • 9th February - Mario Bonamigo - Triaxility
  • 2nd February - Aurélien Benoit-Lévy - News from the Dark Energy Survey (DES)

2015 (Event Organizers: Eric Jullo & Barbara Lo Faro)

  • 5th January - Iary Davidson - OPEN Cafe Club: JWST ESTEC feedback
  • 17th December - Debora Pelliccia - Kinematics of COSMOS star-forming galaxies over the last 8 Gyr
  • 1st December - Mauro Sereno - The self-similarity of galaxy clusters and how to assess it
  • 27th November - Stephane Barros - The (difficult) quest for Lyman continuum emitter at high redshift
  • 24th November - Matthieu Béthermin - An ALMA view on the interstellar medium of high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies
  • 19th November - Jesus Vega - Tension in the rings: the distribution function of Einstein radii
  • 17th November - Hadi Rahmani - The study of circum-galactic medium at z∼0.6 using low impact parameter DLA-galaxies
  • 10th November - Aida Wofford - A Comprehensive Comparative Test of Seven Widely-Used Spectral Synthesis Models Against Multi-Band Photometry of Young Massive Star Clusters
  • 3rd November - Open Cafe Club
  • 13th October: Alan McConnachie - Replacing CFHT by MSE?

  • 8th October: Stephan Frank - Searching for weak NeVIII absorption signatures in COS-spectra via agnostic spectral stacking
  • 6th October: Yu-Yen Chang - AGN, star formation, and galaxy morphology
  • 29th September: Isabel Pâris - Physical properties of quasar outflows in the SDSS-DR12 sample
  • 22nd September: Juan Magaña - Probing cosmological models with strong lensing in A1689
  • 15th September: Karina Rojas - Quasar accretion disks: size and temperature profile using microlensing
  • 1st September: Olivier Le Fèvre - Latest news from the VIMOS UltraDeep Survey (VUDS)

  • 25th August: Jian-Min Wang - Mapping Reverberation Super-Eddington Accreting Massive Black in Holes Local Universe
  • 30th June: Samuel Quiret - The metallicity distribution of the Circum Galactic Medium
  • 16th June: Michele Boldrin - Arc statistics and clustering properties of dark matter haloes
  • 9th June: Zhu Chen - Photometric and morphological properties of LBGs at z~1 in ECDFS
  • 19th May: Javier Álvarez Márquez - Dust properties of LBGs at z ~3
  • 12th May: Francesca Fragkoudi - The Effects of Boxy/Peanut Bulges on Galaxy Models
  • 21st April: Céline Péroux - The VLT SINFONI Mg ii Program for Line Emitters (SIMPLE) II: background quasars probing z ∼ 1 galactic winds
  • 14th April: Kyle Penner - The assumptions we make when we talk about attenuation
  • 7th April: Peter Wizinowich -
  • 31st March: Nimish Hathi - The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: Ly-alpha Emission and Stellar Populations of Star-Forming Galaxies at 2<2.5

  • 20th March: OPEN Discussion - Feedback from the Sintra Conference: Back at the Edge of the Universe
  • 17th March: OPEN Discussion - WEAVE, DESI & eBOSS

  • 20th February: Carlo Giocoli - Weak lensing Simulations from Current Surveys to Euclid
  • 17th February: Matthieu Béthermin - Why do massive galaxies at z~2-3 form so many stars?
  • 10th February: Timothee Delubac - Baryon Acoustic Oscillations with BOSS, eBOSS and DESI
  • 3rd February: Jean-Pierre Luminet - Last news about cosmic topology
  • 27th January: Alice Pisani - Precision Cosmology with Cosmic Voids
  • 20th January: David Valls-Gabaud - MESSIER: a space orbiter to unveil galaxy formation
  • 13th January: Anna Feltre - IR signatures of nuclear activity and star formation on galaxy spectra
  • 6th January: Thibaud Moutard - The stellar mass function and density evolutions of massive (log M* > 10.5) galaxies since z = 1.5

Before 2015
