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GecoWiki: Diff for "CafeClub"

Differences between revisions 644 and 808 (spanning 164 versions)
Revision 644 as of 2023-04-26 12:22:18
Size: 38285
Editor: CarloSchimd
Revision 808 as of 2025-03-06 11:08:50
Size: 50828
Editor: CarloSchimd
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Informal presentation of about 20-25 minutes followed by a 5-10 min discussion.  The presentation could be a proper short focused talk or just a few slides with mainly figures, or just some simulating sketch at the white-board. The content could be some new results or ideas related to past, on-going or future projects in stellar, galactic, and extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology. Visitors are kindly invited to participate and give a presentation. Last-year PhD Student and Post-Docs are encouraged to participate and contribute talks. Informal presentation of about 20-25 minutes followed by a 5-10 minutes discussion. The content could be some new results or ideas related to past, on-going or future projects in stellar, galactic, and extragalactic physics, and cosmology. Visitors are kindly invited to participate and give a presentation. Last-year PhD students with rewarded publications and post-docs are encouraged to participate and contribute talks.
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Every '''Wednesday at 11:00 am''' on zoom or in hybrid mode (in person and on zoom). If on zoom only, the seminar is broadcast in the Library at LAM. Every '''Tuesday at 3:00 pm''' in person (and on zoom, hybrid mode) or remotely (zoom only; in this case, the seminar is broadcast in Lavande or Mistral rooms at LAM).
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=== 2023 (Event Organizers: M. Ezziati, M. Van Cuyck, C. Schimd) ===
 * 14th June [hybrid] - Andrea Saccardi & Susanna Vergani - Dissecting the interstellar medium of a z = 6.3 galaxy
 * 31st May [hybrid] - Michal Bilek - [TBA, something on: nearby galaxies]
 * 3rd May [?] - Flora Stanley
 * 26th April [hybrid] - Richard Feder-Staehle - PCAT-DE: Reconstructing point-like and diffuse emission using spatial and spectral information
 * 19th April [hybrid] - Malgorzata Siudek - Supermassive black holes in dwarf galaxies out to z ~ 0.9 in the VIPERS survey
 * 14th April [hybrid] - Catherine Cerny - Probing the inner density profile of galaxy clusters with strong lensing and MUSE spectroscopy
 * 12th April [hybrid] - Pierre Boldrini - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_12_BOLDRINI/|Monge-Ampère gravity at cosmological scales]]
 * 5th April [hybrid] - Franciele Kruczkiewicz - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_05_KRUCZKIEWICZ/|Water’s journey to Earth: A Virtual Reality outreach project]]
 * 29th March [hybrid] - Denis Burgarella - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_29_BURGARELLA/|Spectroscopic verification of very luminous galaxy candidates in the early universe]]
 * 15th March [hybrid] - Silvia Martocchia - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_15_MARTOCCHIA/|The origin of globular clusters and their anomalous stellar populations]]
 * 13th March [hybrid] - Hiroya Umeda - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_13_UMEDA/|Cosmic reionization sources and history probed with large galaxy surveys and photoionization modeling]]
 * 8th March [zoom] - Devon Powell - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_08_POWELL/|A lensed radio jet at milli-arcsecond resolution: Constraints on fuzzy dark matter from an extended gravitational arc]]
 * 1st March [hybrid]['''IPhU seminar'''] - Clément Stahl - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_01_STAHL/|Exploring the effects of primordial non-Gaussianity at galactic scales]]
 * 15th February [hybrid] - Massimo Guidi - Constraining the larges-scale-structure with new modelling approaches of the three-point correlation function
 * 8th February [zoom]['''IPhU seminar'''] - Mohammad Safarzadeh - A new approach to constrain the Hubble expansion rate at high redshifts by gravitational waves
 * 25th January [hybrid] - Jorge Villa - Molecular hydrogen (H2) emission as a tracer of dissipation in the extragalactic ISM
 * 18th January [zoom] - Michelle Collins - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_01_18_COLLINS/|The hunt for new ultra-faint dwarf galaxies]]
=== 2025 (Event Organizers: D. Santos, E. Mangola, P. Suin, C. Schimd) ===
 * 27th May [in person] - [Wilfred's visitor] - [something on: CosmoWEB]
 * 29th April [?] - Hervé Dole - TBA
 * 11th March [in person] - Alessandro Vadala - TBA
 * 4th March [in person] - Adrien Kuntz - Measuring supermassive black hole properties from binary inspirals in LISA
 * 25th February [in person] - Thomas Montandon - Relativistic matter bispectrum of cosmic structure
 * 12th February [in person] - Simone Sartori - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2025_02_12_SARTORI/|The imprint of cosmic voids from the DESI Legacy Survey DR9 LRGs in the Planck 2018 lensing map]]
 * 5th February [in person] - Floriane Leclercq - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2025_02_05_LECLERCQ/|Identifying the galaxies that reionized the Universe: tracing ionizing photons through LyA, Mg II and [O II] diagnostics]]
 * 29th January [in person] - Gaspar Galaz - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2025_01_29_GALAZ/|Giant low surface brightness galaxies and the extraordinary case of Malin 1]]
 * 22nd January [''unusual time''][remotely] - Martijn Oei - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2025_01_22_OEI/|Porphyrion, astrophysical magnetogenesis in voids, and γ-ray beams]]
 * 15th January [remotely] - Nastassia Grimm-Thieme - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2025_01_15_GRIMM-THIEME/|The impact of large-scale galaxy clustering on the Hellings-Downs correlation]]
=== 2024 (Event Organizers: D. Santos, P. Suin, C. Schimd) ===
 * 19th December [''unusual day''][remotely] - Ana Acebron - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_12_19_ACEBRON/|The next step in galaxy cluster strong lensing: modeling the surface brightness of multiply-imaged sources]]
 * 11th December [remotely] - Nicolas Martin - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_12_11_MARTIN/|A global view of the Andromeda dwarf galaxy system after 20 years of systematic searches]]
 * 4th December [remotely] - Francesco Ziparo - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_12_04_ZIPARO/|Primordial black holes as supermassive black holes seeds]]
 * 28th November [''extra''] [in person] - Maximilien Franco - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_11_28_FRANCO/|Brightest Galaxies During the Epoch of Reionization in COSMOS-Web]]
 * 27th November [remotely] - Marcus Brüggen - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_11_27_BRUGGEN/|On filaments and giants]]
 * 13th November [remotely] - Alexandre Toubiana - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_11_13_TOUBIANA/|Reconciling PTA and JWST and preparing for LISA with POMPOCO: a Parametrisation Of the Massive black hole POpulation for Comparison to Observations]]
 * 6th November [in person] - Denis Burgarella - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_11_06_BURGARELLA/|The PRobe far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics in Phase A]]
 * 30th October [remotely] - Raphaël Mignon-Risse - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_10_30_MIGNON_RISSE/|Towards multi-messenger observations of accreting supermassive binary black holes]]
 * 23rd October [remotely] - Demetra De Cicco - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_10_23_DE_CICCO/|11 years of AGN variability studies with the VST]]
 * 17th October [remotely] - Niall Jeffrey - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_17_10_JEFFREY/|Decoding dark energy via simulation-based inference with Dark Energy Survey gravitational lensing]]
 * 7-9th October - '''''PNCG "Galaxies"'''''
 * 2nd October [remotely] - Benedikt Diemer - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_10_02_DIEMER/|Galaxy clusters as dark matter laboratories]]
 * 26th September [remotely] - Benedetta Spina - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_25_09_SPINA/|Damping wings in the LyA-forest: a model-independent measurement of the neutral fraction at 5.4<z<6.1]]
 * 10th July [in person] - Joss Bland-Hawthorn - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_10_07_BLAND_HAWTHORN/|High redshift, turbulent discs: New insights]]
 * 3rd July [in person] - Yucheng Guo - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_03_07_GUO/|Mapping the multi-component circumgalactic medium through extremely deep MUSE observations]]
 * 26th June [remotely] - Giovanni Cresci - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_06_26_CRESCI/|The physical properties, acceleration mechanism and impact of AGN outflows from low to high redshift]]
 * 19th June [in person] - Valentina Abril Melgarejo - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_19_06_ABRIL-MELGAREJO/|Mapping multi-phase mixing of metals of local high-z analogs]]
 * 12th June [remotely] - Marta Reina-Campos - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_06_12_REINA_CAMPOS/|Beacons in the sky: star clusters in Abell 2744 from JWST]]
 * 3rd June [remotely] - Anna de Graaff - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_03_06_GRAAFF/|Tracing early galaxy assembly with JWST and cosmological simulations]]
 * 29th May [remotely] - Gianfranco Bertone - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_29_05_BERTONE/|Dark Matter Mounds: towards a realistic description of dark matter overdensities around black holes]]
 * 22nd May [in person] - Franz Bauer - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_22_05_BAUER/|The 4MOST Chilean AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (ChANGES)]]
 * 15th May [remotely] - Thierry Contini - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_15_05_CONTINI/|MAGIC: MUSE gAlaxy Groups In COSMOS]]
 * 8th May - ''public holiday''
 * 1st May - ''public holiday''
 * 24th April [remotely] - Sebastian Grandis - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_24_04_GRANDIS/|DES Y3 weak lensing analysis of eRASS1 galaxy clusters]] (presentation [[attachment:SebastianGrandis_presentation.pdf|pdf]])
 * 17th April [remotely] - Pauline Zarrouk - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_17_04_ZARROUK/|DESI Y1 first results: BAO cosmological results and galaxy Full-Shape pipeline]]
 * 10th April [remotely] - Carlo Giocoli - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_10_04_GIOCOLI/|The splashback radius of Amico clusters]]
 * 27th March [in person] - Arturo Nuñez - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_03_27_NUNEZ/|The impact of baryonic physics in galaxy formation: Multi-scale approach to galaxy simulations]]
 * 20th March [in person] - Andreas Lundgren - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_03_20_LUNDGREN/|AtLAST - the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope project]]
 * 13th March [remotely] - Amael Ellien - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_03_13_ELLIEN/|A multiscale view of the Intracluster light in the JWST/Euclid era]]
 * 21st February [remotely] - Stéphane Blondin - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_02_21_BLONDIN/|Constraining Supernova Progenitors through Strong Lensing in the Rubin LSST Era]]
 * 14th February [remotely] - Keir Rogers - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_02_14_ROGERS/|A new 5σ cosmic discrepancy: twenty years of growing evidence for new fundamental physics in the Lyman-alpha forest and implications for the Euclid-Rubin era]]
 * 31st January [in person] - Lina Castiblanco Tolosa - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_01_31_CASTIBLANCO/|Tomographic analysis with the weak lensing convergence one-point statistics]]
 * 17th January [in person] - Adélaïde Claeyssens - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_01_17_CLAEYSSENS/|Resolving star formation processes at 10-100s pc resolution in distant galaxies with JWST/NIRCam]]
 * 17th January [remotely] - Arache Djannati-Ataï - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_01_17_DJANNATI-ATAI/|HESS discovery of highest energy gamma-rays ever observed from a pulsar]]
 * 10th January [in person] - Junais - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_01_10_JUNAIS/|Dust properties of low surface brightness galaxies and their implications for future large sky surveys]]
=== 2023 (Event Organizers: M. Ezziati, P. Suin, M. Van Cuyck, C. Schimd) ===
 * 20th December [remotely] - Elena Pierpaoli - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_12_20_PIERPAOLI/|Cluster science in multi-wavelength]]
 * 13th December [in person] - Christopher Martin - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_12_13_MARTIN/|Imaging the Cosmic Web]]
 * 6th December [in person] - Carlos Gomez-Guijarro - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_12_5_GOMEZ-GUIJARRO/|Understanding the role of compact star formation in galaxy evolution with ALMA and JWST]]
 * 28th November [in person] - Matthieu Berthemin - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_11_28_BETHERMIN/|How does star form at high redshift? Kennicutt-Schmidt relation in z > 4 normal star-forming galaxies]]
 * 22nd November [in person] - Lise Ramambason - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_11_22_RAMAMBASON/|Feedback mechanisms in the multiphase ISM: insights from unresolved and resolved galaxies]]
 * 15th November [in person] - Kirill Grishin - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_20223_11_15_GRISHIN/|Transforming gas-rich low-mass disky galaxies into ultra-diffuse galaxies by ram pressure ]]
 * 10th November [in person] - Gilles Joncas - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_18_10_JONCAS/|The HII Sh2-158 region: thermodynamics and “direct” quantification of turbulence]]
 * 8th November [remotely] - Melanie Habouzit - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2024_11_08_HABOUZIT/|Constraining the origin and assembly of massive black holes]]
 * 25th October [remotely] - Paola Popesso - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_10_25_POPESSO/|The X-ray invisible Universe. A look into the halos undetected by eROSITA]]
 * 18th October [remotely] - James Pearson - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_10_18_PEARSON/|A large population of strongly lensed faint sub-mm galaxies in future dark energy surveys inferred from JWST imaging]]
 * 4th October [in person] - Boris Kalita - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_10_04_KALITA/|Clumpy galaxies at z>1 in the era of JWST: moving beyond the UV wavelengths]]
 * 27th September [in person] - Antonio de Ugarte Postigo - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_09_27_DEUGARTE/|Stellar and galactic evolution studied with gamma-ray bursts]]
 * 20th September [remotely] - Kamlesh Rajpurohit - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_09_20_RAJPUROHIT/|Abell 746: A highly disturbed cluster undergoing multiple mergers]]
 * 28th June [in person] - Carla Cornil Baïotto - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_06_28_CORNIL_BAIOTTO/|Strong lens modelling of rich galaxy clusters]]
 * 27th June [in person] - Shawn Knabel - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_06_27_KNABEL/|Breaking MAD: joint constraints on the mass profiles and orbital anisotropies of elliptical galaxies with spatially resolved kinematics]]
 * 21st June [remotely] - Marta Berti - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_06_21_BERTI/|Probing the ΛCDM Universe and beyond with HI Intensity Mapping]]
 * 14th June [remotely] - Andrea Saccardi & Susanna Vergani - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_06_14_SACCARDI/|Dissecting the interstellar medium of a z = 6.3 galaxy]]
 * 31st May [in person] - Michal Bilek - ''What is the origin of the different kinematic morphologies of early-type galaxies?'' [recording available upon request]
 * 17th May [in person] - Patrice Theulé - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_05_17_THEULE/|Warm temperature formation of interstellar molecular hydrogen on a carbonaceous surface]]
 * 10th May [remotely] - Matthew Lehnert - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_05_10_LEHNERT/|A possible stream of accreting cold atomic and molecular gas in the halo of a high-redshift radio galaxy]]
 * 3rd May - Flora Stanley - CANCELLED
 * 26th April [in person] - Richard Feder-Staehle - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_26_FEDER-STAEHLE/|PCAT-DE: Reconstructing point-like and diffuse emission using spatial and spectral information]]
 * 19th April [in person] - Malgorzata Siudek - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_19_SIUDEK/|Supermassive black holes in dwarf galaxies out to z ~ 0.9 in the VIPERS survey]]
 * 14th April [in person] - Catherine Cerny - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_14_CERNY/|Probing the inner density profile of galaxy clusters with strong lensing and MUSE spectroscopy]]
 * 12th April [in person] - Pierre Boldrini - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_12_BOLDRINI/|Monge-Ampère gravity at cosmological scales]]
 * 5th April [in person] - Franciele Kruczkiewicz - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_04_05_KRUCZKIEWICZ/|Water’s journey to Earth: A Virtual Reality outreach project]]
 * 29th March [in person] - Denis Burgarella - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_29_BURGARELLA/|Spectroscopic verification of very luminous galaxy candidates in the early universe]]
 * 15th March [in person] - Silvia Martocchia - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_15_MARTOCCHIA/|The origin of globular clusters and their anomalous stellar populations]]
 * 13th March [in person] - Hiroya Umeda - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_13_UMEDA/|Cosmic reionization sources and history probed with large galaxy surveys and photoionization modeling]]
 * 8th March [remotely] - Devon Powell - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_08_POWELL/|A lensed radio jet at milli-arcsecond resolution: Constraints on fuzzy dark matter from an extended gravitational arc]]
 * 1st March [in person]['''IPhU seminar'''] - Clément Stahl - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_03_01_STAHL/|Exploring the effects of primordial non-Gaussianity at galactic scales]]
 * 15th February [in person] - Massimo Guidi - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_02_15_GUIDI/|Constraining the larges-scale-structure with new modelling approaches of the three-point correlation function]]
 * 8th February [remotely]['''IPhU seminar'''] - Mohammad Safarzadeh - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_02_08_SAFARZADEH/|A new approach to constrain the Hubble expansion rate at high redshifts by gravitational waves]]
 * 25th January [in person] - Jorge Villa - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_01_25_VILLA/|Molecular hydrogen (H2) emission as a tracer of dissipation in the extragalactic ISM]]
 * 18th January [remotely] - Michelle Collins - [[https://seminars.lam.fr/cafe-club/GECO_cafe_club_2023_01_18_COLLINS/|The hunt for new ultra-faint dwarf galaxies]]

Café Club


Informal presentation of about 20-25 minutes followed by a 5-10 minutes discussion. The content could be some new results or ideas related to past, on-going or future projects in stellar, galactic, and extragalactic physics, and cosmology. Visitors are kindly invited to participate and give a presentation. Last-year PhD students with rewarded publications and post-docs are encouraged to participate and contribute talks.

For seminars by GSP and GRD groups and general LAM seminars, see here.


Every Tuesday at 3:00 pm in person (and on zoom, hybrid mode) or remotely (zoom only; in this case, the seminar is broadcast in Lavande or Mistral rooms at LAM).

Event Organizers

Event organisers are listed at CafeClubGroup


2025 (Event Organizers: D. Santos, E. Mangola, P. Suin, C. Schimd)

2024 (Event Organizers: D. Santos, P. Suin, C. Schimd)

2023 (Event Organizers: M. Ezziati, P. Suin, M. Van Cuyck, C. Schimd)

2022 (Event Organizers: G. Bonnet, M. Ezziati, M. Van Cuyck, C. Schimd)

2021 (Event Organizers: Guillaume Bonnet, Carlo Schimd)

2020 (Event Organizers: Guillaume Bonnet, Carlo Schimd)

  • 16th December - Antonella Palmese - Gravitational wave cosmology with galaxy surveys

  • 9th December - Alessia Longobardi - Bridging the cluster-ICM-galaxy evolution at small scales

  • 2nd December - Alejandro Perez - Resolving the H0 tension with Black Hole diffusion from quantum gravity

  • 25th November - Fabien Louvet - Similarities and differences between low and high-mass star formation

  • 18th November - Alfonso Veropalumbo - Cosmological constraints from higher-order clustering analysis

  • 10th November - Yijun (Ali) Wang - Gravitational wave detection with photometric surveys

  • 4th November - Nicolas Martinet - Probing dark energy with tomographic weak-lensing aperture mass statistics

  • 28th October - Ignasi Pérez-Ràfols - BAO with Lyman-alpha forest

  • 21st October - Mathilde Jauzac - Looking at galaxy clusters with VLT/MUSE and HST

  • 14th October - Massimo Meneghetti - An excess of small-scale gravitational lenses observed in galaxy clusters
  • 30th September - Matteo Fossati - Galaxy environments across cosmic time: unveiling gas in absorption and emission with large surveys
  • 23rd September - Adrian Bittner - Nuclear stellar structures in barred galaxies of the TIMER survey
  • 9th September - Matma Pandey-Pommier - Nonthermal emission and gas interaction in galaxy clusters
  • 2nd July - Sutieng Tam - Mapping dark matter of a post-merger galaxy cluster MS0451-03 and its surroundings
  • 1st July - Julien Lavalle - Dark matter candidates: a status
  • 24th June - Paolo Cassata - The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey: Small LyA-[CII] velocity offsets in main-sequence galaxies at 4.4 < z < 6

  • 17th June - Angelo Ricciardone - Characterization of cosmological gravitational waves with LISA detector
  • 10th June - Nicola Menci - Constraints on dynamical dark energy models from the abundance of massive galaxies at high redshift
  • 3rd June - Magda Arnaboldi - Elliptical galaxies/stellar halos connection
  • 27th May - Maxime Trebitsch - The contribution of AGN and stellar populations to the high-redshift ionizing UV background
  • 20th May - Julian Bautista - Towards final cosmological results from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
  • 13th May - Ricarda Beckmann - Dense gas in galaxy clusters under the influence of an AGN jet
  • 6th May - Chervin Laporte - Stellar ages and chemistry as key diagnostics of dynamical processes shaping the Milky Way
  • +++ covid-19 break +++

  • 4th March - Amael Ellien - Detection of ICL with sparse analysis-by-synthesis approach
  • 19th February - Christophe Morisset - Hubi 1 the upside-down planetary nebula
  • 5th February - Jens-Kristian Krogager - Absorption spectroscopy as a unique probe of galaxy evolution
  • 29th January - Guillaume Mahler - STRONG LENSING: Illuminating clusters of galaxies and the structures behind them
  • 15th January - Katarina Kraljic - The impact of the connectivity of the cosmic web on the physical properties of galaxies at its nodes

2019 (Event Organizers: Elena Sarpa, Carlo Schimd)

  • 27th November - Thibaud Moutard - Local vs. Global: environment frames the NUVrK big picture of the star-formation quenching
  • 21st November - Carolina Queiroz - Optical selection of quasars: probing the large-scale structure with narrow-band filter surveys
  • 20th November - Ixandra Achitouv - Testing for the environmental dependence of the growth rate
  • 13th November - exceptional Café-Club - Hidehiro Kaneda & Takehiko Wada - two talks: 1) SPICA: the next crucial step alter Herschel and AKARI for future mid- and far-infrared astronomy & 2) SPICA Mid-infrared Instrument (SMI): technical design and science capabilities

  • 16th October - William Gillard - Euclid NISP: forthcoming tests at LAM
  • 9th October - Joachim Harnois-Deraps - Weak lensing beyond two-point statistics
  • 2nd October - Sascha Zeegers - Investigating the properties of interstellar silicates using X-ray spectroscopy
  • 25th September - Adarsh Ranjan - Probing high column density neutral gas in the early universe in absorption
  • 18th September - Patrick Côté - CASTOR: The Cosmological Advanced Survey Telescope for Optical and uv Research
  • 11th September - Jonathan Freundlich - Galaxy evolution: a gas perspective
  • 4th September - Angus Wright - Improving redshift calibration for cosmic shear
  • 3rd July - Iary Davidson - A paradigm shift in astrophysics?
  • 26th June - Carlo Giocoli - Lensing simulation of galaxy clusters: from theory to observations
  • 19th June - Raoul Canameras - Star formation and feedback mechanisms in high-z starbursts
  • 12th June - Guang Yang - What drives the growth of black holes?
  • 5th June - Jérémy Fensch - Gas mass fraction of galaxies and star formation regulation
  • 22nd May - Kimmo Kiiveri - Bayesian estimator for the CODEX cluster sample
  • 10th April - Pierre Fleury - Weak gravitational lensing with finite beams
  • 28th March - Agnès Ferté - Cosmic acceleration: beyond the cosmological constant
  • 13th March - Charling Tao - BAO with voids
  • 6th March - Ignasi Pérez Ràfols - Quasar identification with SQUEzE
  • 27th February - Sarah Antier - Gravitational waves astronomy and GRANDMA
  • 13th February - Laurent Chemin - The velocity anisotropy of gas in galactic disks
  • 7th February - Mathieu Puech/Hector Flores - MOONS: Multi Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph for the VLT
  • 30th January - Michel-Andrès Breton - Relativistic effects on galaxy clustering statistics
  • 22nd January - Jenny Sorce - Do we need a new cosmological model? GMO-CLONES, a solution to the precision cosmology dilemma
  • 15th January - Clotilde Laigle - Horizon-AGN virtual observatory: SED-fitting performance and forecasts for future imaging surveys

2018 (Event Organizers: Elena Sarpa, Carlo Schimd)

  • 4th December - Ramona Augustin - Observing the circum-galactic medium in absorption and emission
  • 29th November - Rosa Leticia Becerra Godinez - Reverse shock emission revealed in early photometry in the possible short GRB 180418A
  • 27th November - Nicolas Laporte - Unveiling the age of the most distant galaxies
  • 20th November - Adam Hawken - The growth rate of structure around voids in GAMA
  • 13th November - Tamas Norbert Varga - Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: Weak lensing mass calibration of redMaPPer galaxy clusters
  • 6th November - Giovanni Covone - Gravitational lensing detection of an extremely dense environment around a galaxy cluster
  • 16th October - Sally Heap - Evolution of galaxies and stars with CETUS
  • 25th September - Fabien Lacasa - Cosmology with galaxy surveys: the impact of non-linearity
  • 18th September - Cullan Howlett - Cosmology with peculiar velocity surveys
  • 11th September - Benjamin L’Huillier - Cosmological structure formation in LCDM and beyond: Testing LCDM with N-body simulations and advanced statistical methods
  • 10th July - Johan Richard - BlueMUSE
  • 15th May - Grzergorz Gajda - Tidally induced bars in gas-rich dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way
  • 26th April - Mauro Sereno - Multi-probe analysis of galaxy clusters
  • 29th April - Luis Reyes-Galindo - Do you know how the arXiv works?
  • 17th April - William Pearson - The Main Sequence of Star Forming Galaxies Beyond Herschel's Confusion Limit
  • 10th April - Ghassem Gozaliasl - TBD
  • 20th February - Nicolas Martinet - Cosmological constraints from shear peaks in the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS)
  • 6th February - Seiji Fujimoto - Average morphology of high-z dusty star-forming galaxies: compact dusty disk embedded in stellar disk harboring an AGN
  • 23rd January - Jean-Loup Puget - The Planck cosmological parameters

2017 (Event Organizers: Ana Acebron, Elena Sarpa, Carlo Schimd)

  • 12th December - Hadi Rahmani - Studying the cold gas in the circumgalactic medium of intermediate redshift galaxies using QSO-galaxy pairs
  • 28th November - Florian Sarron - Evolution of the cluster optical luminosity function in the CFHTLS: breaking the degeneracy between mass and redshift
  • 27th November - exceptional joint Galaxy Evolution circle - Café Club @ 2pm - Annalisa De Cia - ISM metals out to high z using QSOs and GRBs

  • 21st November - Raphael Gavazzi - AMALGAM: the mass distribution of 122 galaxy clusters from CFHT and Subaru archival wide field images
  • 14th November - Francesca Fragkoudi - The disk origin of the Milky Way bulge
  • 7th November - Jacopo Chevallard - Getting ready for JWST with new-generation spectral models and interpretation tools
  • 17th October - Ignasi Pérez Ràfols - TBD
  • 10th October - Peter Mitchell​ - The physics controlling the evolution of star formation rates in star-forming galaxies
  • 5th October - Camilla Pacifici - Synergy between galaxy models and observations to unveil the high-redshift Universe
  • 3rd October - Andra Stroe - Cosmic tsunamis and tornadoes
  • 19th September - Fangting Yuan - Spatially resolved star formation and dust attenuation in Mrk848: Comparison of the integral field spectra and the UV-to-IR SED
  • 12th September - Médéric Boquien - Finding the weirdest SDSS-IV/MaNGA galaxies
  • 5th September - Remi Adam - The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effects to probe the formation of distant clusters
  • 18th July - Shude Mao - Evidence for IMF variations from the MaNGA survey
  • 5th July - Alessia Longobardi - The VIRGO PN population and the mass assembly in M87
  • 4th July - Giulia Cusin - Anisotropies of the astrophysical gravitational wave background: a general framework
  • 29th June - Karina Voggel - The quest to find super-massive black holes within UCDs: How many of them are the former nuclei of galaxies?
  • 27th June - Laurie Riguccini- Chasing star-forming early-type galaxies in dense environments : Galaxies in transitions in clusters
  • 22nd June - Carlos Lopez-Sanjuan - ALHAMBRA B-band (z < 1) and UV (z > 2.5) luminosity functions by PDF analysis

  • 21nd June - Christos Efthimiopoulos - The invariant manifold modelling of spiral structure
  • 20th June - Special Café Club (followed by an open discussion)
    • Delphine Porquet - Observations en rayons X des régions centrales des Noyaux Actifs de Galaxies (AGN) et diagnostics de plasmas en rayons X

      & Nicolas Grosso - L'activité de Sagittarius A* et l'accrétion épisodique dans les étoiles jeunes

  • 15th June - Davide Punzo - 3D Visualization and Analysis of HI in and around galaxies
  • 13th June - Nicolas Peretto - The energy balance of infrared dark clouds from tenths to tens parsec scale
  • 6th June - Amira Tawfeek - Photometric investigation of Pairs and Triplet Galaxies
  • 30th May - Stéphane Arnouts/Fabrice Madec - The PFS/SUMIRE spectrograph
  • 23th May - Marcin Semczuk - Tidal origin of spiral arms in galaxies orbiting a cluster
  • 17th May (warning it's Wednesday) - Tom Broadhurst - New Gravitational Properties of Galaxy Clusters
  • 16th May - Panos Patsis - Stellar and gaseous flows in barred-spiral models: The implications for star formation along the spiral arms
  • 9th May - Katarina Kraljic - Coupling of scales, “Who ordered this?” or “How well do we understand star formation?”
  • 25th April -Shun Saito - Ly-Alpha intensity mapping with HETDEX
  • 11th April - Henri Plana - The NGC 454 system: anatomy of a wet interaction
  • 4th April - Grzegorz Gajda - Tidally induced bars in dwarfs galaxies on different orbits around a Milky Way-like host
  • 21st March - Anna Niemiec - Stellar-to-halo mass relation of cluster galaxies
  • 14th March - Miguel Figueira - Star formation at the edge of ionized regions
  • 7th March - Gabriel Bartosch Caminha - Probing the distant Universe and dark matter with Hubble and MUSE observations of lensing clusters
  • 28th February - Michael Blomqvist - BAO in the Lyman-alpha forest of BOSS/eBOSS quasars
  • 21st February - Janusz Krywult - Coevolution of galaxy morphology and colour to z~1
  • 14th February - Thibaud Moutard - On the quenching of young/low-mass galaxies since z~0.6: New spotlight on environment lead role
  • 7th February - Iary Davidzon - What does high redshift means? The long, long way towards the first light (in the COSMOS field).
  • 31st January - Katarina Kraljic - Cosmic Web as a natural metric for galaxy evolution
  • 24th January - Malgorzata Siudek - Formation and evolution of stellar population based on the red passive galaxies observed up to z ∼ 1
  • 17th January - Sean Morrison - Element Abundances in a Sub-DLA Absorber at z=5
  • 10th January - Laure Ciesla - Identifying recently quenched galaxies from broad band SED modeling
  • 3rd January - Benoît Epinat - Galactic and extragalactic science with HARMONI/EELT (followed by an open discussion about GECO/LAM involvement)

2016 (Event Organizers: Ana Acebron, Carlo Schimd)

  • 13th December - Alessandro Boselli - Quenching of the star formation activity of cluster galaxies
  • 6th December - Melville Ulmer- Update on the Athena mirror size, potential implications, and the future of X-ray astronomy
  • 1st December - Stéphane de Barros - Galaxy physical properties at the edge of the cosmic reionization
  • 29th November - Begoña Ascaso - Cluster cosmology with Euclid, LSST and J-PAS.
  • 22nd November - Denis Burgarella - JWST, WFIRST and FLARE predicted number counts at 10 < z < 15: the case for a Wide-Field N+MIR Space Telescope

  • 15th November - Hiroyuki Hirashita - Simulation of dust evolution in galaxies
  • 8th November - Wagner Marcolino - New mass-loss rates for massive stars: why bother?
  • 7th November (warning it's Monday, @14h) - Jordi Miralda Escudé - Lyman alpha emission on large scales and high-redshift galaxies as a probe of reionization.
  • 2nd November (warning it's Wednesday) - Mathilde Jauzac - Hubble Frontiers Fields : The Extraordinary Abell 2744
  • 27th October (warning it's Thursday) - Anthony Whitworth - A ram pressure threshold for star formation
  • 25th October - Cécile Gry - Anatomy of a small, diffuse cloud passing over the sun in the middle of a hot, empty bubble
  • 18th October - Ghassem Gozaliasl - Evolution of bright central galaxies in massive haloes over 9 billion years
  • 11th October - Tsutomu T. Takeuchi - A self-consistent radiative transfer model including the chemical evolution, dust evolution, and clumpiness of the ISM
  • 4th October - Nicolas Martinet - Calibrating galaxy shape measurements for Euclid: impact of galaxies below the detection limit.
  • 27th September - Lin Yan - The CII local luminosity function
  • 20th September - Hong-Li Liu - Drama of the HII regions/IR bubbles: regulating ISM and star formation
  • 13th September - César Caretta - Caustics Masses and Scaling Relation for Nearby Galaxy Clusters
  • 31st August (warning is Wednesday) - Andreas Faisst - Insights into the high-redshift Universe using Spitzer and Local Galaxies
  • 13th July (warning is Wednesday) Yuichi Harikane - Evolution of Stellar-to-Halo Mass Ratio at z=0-7 Identified by Clustering Analysis with the Hubble Legacy Imaging and Early Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey Data
  • 7th June (Special Cafe Club @ Amphi LAM) - Olivier Le Fèvre - The WFIRST-AFTA space mission
  • 24th May - Kasia Malek - Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies: which AGN types contribute to their infrared emission?
  • 10th May - Julien Bel - Non local bias between matter and galaxies
  • 10th May (Postponed) - Laure Ciesla - The imprint of rapid star formation quenching on the spectral energy distributions of galaxies
  • 3rd May - Iary Davidzon - The high-z universe encolsed in the COSMOS2015 catalogue
  • 26th April - Bruno Ribeiro - The morphology of star-forming galaxies during their assembly phase
  • 5th April - Celine Peroux - Metallicity and geometry as gas flow probes
  • 29th March - Darko Donevski - Possible Breaking of FIR-Radio Correlation in Interacting Galaxies
  • 22th March - Isabelle Pâris - Extreme outflows in high-redshift red quasars
  • 15th March - FLARE Meeting
  • 8th March - Nicola Malavasi - The environment-dependent evolution of massive galaxies to z=3 in the UltraVISTA-COSMOS field
  • 1st March - Guilaine Lagache - Intensity mapping of the atomic carbon CII line: a new observational promise of the Epoch of Reonisation
  • 23th February - Paolo Serra - Cosmic star formation history and Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect from a global analysis of Herschel and SPT clustering data
  • 18th February - Mathilde Jauzac - Hubble Frontier Fields : SN Tom & SN Refsdal — What we learn about lensing?

  • 16th February - Merce Romero-Gomez (Universitat de Barcelona): Getting ready for the scientific exploitation of Gaia data on the structure of our Galaxy.
  • 9th February - Mario Bonamigo - Triaxility
  • 2nd February - Aurélien Benoit-Lévy - News from the Dark Energy Survey (DES)

2015 (Event Organizers: Eric Jullo & Barbara Lo Faro)

  • 5th January - Iary Davidson - OPEN Cafe Club: JWST ESTEC feedback
  • 17th December - Debora Pelliccia - Kinematics of COSMOS star-forming galaxies over the last 8 Gyr
  • 1st December - Mauro Sereno - The self-similarity of galaxy clusters and how to assess it
  • 27th November - Stephane Barros - The (difficult) quest for Lyman continuum emitter at high redshift
  • 24th November - Matthieu Béthermin - An ALMA view on the interstellar medium of high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies
  • 19th November - Jesus Vega - Tension in the rings: the distribution function of Einstein radii
  • 17th November - Hadi Rahmani - The study of circum-galactic medium at z∼0.6 using low impact parameter DLA-galaxies
  • 10th November - Aida Wofford - A Comprehensive Comparative Test of Seven Widely-Used Spectral Synthesis Models Against Multi-Band Photometry of Young Massive Star Clusters
  • 3rd November - Open Cafe Club
  • 13th October: Alan McConnachie - Replacing CFHT by MSE?

  • 8th October: Stephan Frank - Searching for weak NeVIII absorption signatures in COS-spectra via agnostic spectral stacking
  • 6th October: Yu-Yen Chang - AGN, star formation, and galaxy morphology
  • 29th September: Isabel Pâris - Physical properties of quasar outflows in the SDSS-DR12 sample
  • 22nd September: Juan Magaña - Probing cosmological models with strong lensing in A1689
  • 15th September: Karina Rojas - Quasar accretion disks: size and temperature profile using microlensing
  • 1st September: Olivier Le Fèvre - Latest news from the VIMOS UltraDeep Survey (VUDS)

  • 25th August: Jian-Min Wang - Mapping Reverberation Super-Eddington Accreting Massive Black in Holes Local Universe
  • 30th June: Samuel Quiret - The metallicity distribution of the Circum Galactic Medium
  • 16th June: Michele Boldrin - Arc statistics and clustering properties of dark matter haloes
  • 9th June: Zhu Chen - Photometric and morphological properties of LBGs at z~1 in ECDFS
  • 19th May: Javier Álvarez Márquez - Dust properties of LBGs at z ~3
  • 12th May: Francesca Fragkoudi - The Effects of Boxy/Peanut Bulges on Galaxy Models
  • 21st April: Céline Péroux - The VLT SINFONI Mg ii Program for Line Emitters (SIMPLE) II: background quasars probing z ∼ 1 galactic winds
  • 14th April: Kyle Penner - The assumptions we make when we talk about attenuation
  • 7th April: Peter Wizinowich -
  • 31st March: Nimish Hathi - The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: Ly-alpha Emission and Stellar Populations of Star-Forming Galaxies at 2<2.5

  • 20th March: OPEN Discussion - Feedback from the Sintra Conference: Back at the Edge of the Universe
  • 17th March: OPEN Discussion - WEAVE, DESI & eBOSS

  • 20th February: Carlo Giocoli - Weak lensing Simulations from Current Surveys to Euclid
  • 17th February: Matthieu Béthermin - Why do massive galaxies at z~2-3 form so many stars?
  • 10th February: Timothee Delubac - Baryon Acoustic Oscillations with BOSS, eBOSS and DESI
  • 3rd February: Jean-Pierre Luminet - Last news about cosmic topology
  • 27th January: Alice Pisani - Precision Cosmology with Cosmic Voids
  • 20th January: David Valls-Gabaud - MESSIER: a space orbiter to unveil galaxy formation
  • 13th January: Anna Feltre - IR signatures of nuclear activity and star formation on galaxy spectra
  • 6th January: Thibaud Moutard - The stellar mass function and density evolutions of massive (log M* > 10.5) galaxies since z = 1.5

Before 2015
