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Differences between revisions 1 and 28 (spanning 27 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2017-10-24 11:55:41
Size: 2180
Editor: CarloSchimd
Revision 28 as of 2020-09-23 17:57:45
Size: 3201
Editor: CarloSchimd
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Email: <<MailTo(carlo.schimd AT SPAMFREE lam DOT fr)>>
## You can even more obfuscate your email address by adding more uppercase letters followed by a leading and trailing blank.

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Maître de Conférence (''Associate professor''), Aix-Marseille Université
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Morphology of the large scale structure (Minkowski functionals), weak gravitational lensing, kinematic lensing, peculiar velocities, BAO and reconstruction techniques, Lagrangian perturbative techniques, dark matter and dark energy (neutrinos, quintessence, scalar-tensor and f(R) theories, back-reaction...). Morphology of LSS, galaxy clusters, and galaxies (Minkowski functionals); peculiar velocities, BAO and reconstruction techniques, Lagrangian perturbative techniques; weak gravitational lensing, kinematic lensing; dark matter and dark energy (massive neutrinos, quintessence, scalar-tensor and f(R) theories).
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Member or external collaborator of: [[http://www.gama-survey.org/|GAMA]], [[http://vipers.inaf.it/|VIPERS]], [[http://irfu.cea.fr/en/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Ast/alltec.php?id_ast=3015|XMM-XXL]], [[http://www.sdss.org/surveys/eboss/|eBOSS]], [[http://desi.lbl.gov/|DESI]], [[http://www.euclid-ec.org/|Euclid]], [[http://mse.cfht.hawaii.edu/|MSE]]. Member or external collaborator of: [[http://www.gama-survey.org/|GAMA]], [[http://vipers.inaf.it/|VIPERS]], [[http://irfu.cea.fr/en/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Ast/alltec.php?id_ast=3015|XMM-XXL]], [[https://www.researchgate.net/project/DEMN-Universe-DEMNUni|DEMNUni]], [[http://www.euclid-ec.org/|Euclid]], [[https://ska-france.oca.eu/en/ska-mainmenu-en/ska-france-ska-en|SKA France]], [[http://mse.cfht.hawaii.edu/|MSE]].
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* 2017-2018: ''Linear algebra'' (1st yr, Polytech/PEIP), ''Electromagnetic waves'' (2nd yr, Polytech/PEIP), ''Astrophysics/numerical project'' (3rd yr, Physics & Chemistry [[http://ctes.univ-provence.fr/|CTES]]; and 4th yr, Master [[http://master-space.lam.fr/|SPaCE]]), ''Mathematical and statistical methods for physics'' (5th yr, Master [[http://physique-sciences.univ-amu.fr/master-physique/master2-phydique/P3TMA/mathematical-and-statistical-methods-for-physics|P3TMA]]), ''Physical cosmology'' (5th yr, Master [[http://physique-sciences.univ-amu.fr/master2-physique/P3TMA/cosmologie-physique|P3TMA]])  * Current: ''Laboratory of mechanics and thermodynamics'' (1st-2nd yr, Physics & Chemistry and Polytech/PEIP), ''Electromagnetic waves'' (2nd yr, Polytech/PEIP), [[https://physique-sciences.univ-amu.fr/master-physique/statistics-and-data-analysis-s2|Statistics and data analysis]] (4th yr, Master in Physics), [[https://physique-sciences.univ-amu.fr/master-physique/astrophysics-s2|Astrophysics]] (5th yr, Master in Physics), [[https://physique-sciences.univ-amu.fr/master-physique/astroparticles-and-primordial-cosmologys3|Primordial cosmology]] (5th yr, Master in Physics)
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* Past: ''Newtonian mechanics'' (1st yr, Physics & Chemistry), ''Probability & Statistics'' (1st yr, Physics & Chemistry), ''Optics & Waves'' (2nd yr, Polytech/PEIP), ''Analytical mechanics'' (3rd yr, Physics & Chemistry), ''Particle physics and primordial cosmology'' (4th yr, Master in Physics), ''Astrophysical spectroscopy'' (5th yr, Master in Physics), ''Cosmology'' (Ph.D. [[http://galaxyformationschool2013.oamp.fr/|2013]]-[[http://galaxyformationschool2014.lam.fr/|2014]])  * Past: ''Newtonian mechanics'' (1st yr, Physics & Chemistry), ''Linear algebra'' (1st yr, Polytech/PEIP), ''Probability & Statistics'' (2nd yr, Physics & Chemistry), ''Optics & Waves'' (2nd yr, Polytech/PEIP), ''Analytical mechanics'' (3rd yr, Physics & Chemistry), ''Particle physics and primordial cosmology'' (4th yr, Master in Physics), ''Astrophysical spectroscopy'' (5th yr, Master in Physics), ''Astrophysics/numerical project'' (3rd yr, Physics & Chemistry [[http://ctes.univ-provence.fr/|CTES]]; and 4th yr, Master [[http://master-space.lam.fr/|SPaCE]]), ''Physical cosmology'' (5th yr, Master [[http://physique-sciences.univ-amu.fr/master2-physique/P3TMA/cosmologie-physique|P3TMA]]), ''Cosmology'' (LAM Ph.D. Summer School [[http://galaxyformationschool2013.oamp.fr/|2013]]-[[http://galaxyformationschool2014.lam.fr/|2014]]), ''Advanced topics in cosmology'' ([[https://ecole-doctorale-352.univ-amu.fr/en|Ph.D.]])

 * Internships (''stage M2'') proposed in 2020-2021: (1) [[attachment:PropositionStageLAM2019-2020-MorphologyOfGalaxies.pdf|Morphometry of nearby galaxies: clustering of HII regions]], (2) [[attachment:PropositionStageLAM2020-2021-BATMANcosmology.pdf|Gravitational lensing of galaxy clusters and filaments: simulations for BATMAN]]

email: carlo.schimd [at] lam.fr

##email: <<MailTo(carlo.schimd AT SPAMFREE lam DOT fr)>>

## You can even more obfuscate your email address by adding more uppercase letters followed by a leading and trailing blank.

Carlo Schimd

  • .

Laurea (M.Sc.) in Physics (2001), Ph.D. in Physics (2005)

Maître de Conférence (Associate professor), Aix-Marseille Université

Current research interests:

Morphology of LSS, galaxy clusters, and galaxies (Minkowski functionals); peculiar velocities, BAO and reconstruction techniques, Lagrangian perturbative techniques; weak gravitational lensing, kinematic lensing; dark matter and dark energy (massive neutrinos, quintessence, scalar-tensor and f(R) theories).

Member or external collaborator of: GAMA, VIPERS, XMM-XXL, DEMNUni, Euclid, SKA France, MSE.

Teaching activity:

email: carlo.schimd [at] lam.fr