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GecoWiki: CarloSchimd

Carlo Schimd

  • .

Laurea (M.Sc.) in Physics (2001), Ph.D. in Physics (2005)

Current research interests:

Morphology of LSS, galaxy clusters, and galaxies (Minkowski functionals); peculiar velocities, BAO and reconstruction techniques, Lagrangian perturbative techniques; weak gravitational lensing, kinematic lensing; dark matter and dark energy (neutrinos, quintessence, scalar-tensor and f(R) theories, back-reaction).

Member or external collaborator of: GAMA, VIPERS, XMM-XXL, DEMNUni, Euclid, SKA France, MSE.

Teaching activity:

  • Current: Laboratory of mechanics and thermodynamics (1st-2nd yr, Physics & Chemistry and Polytech/PEIP), Electromagnetic waves (2nd yr, Polytech/PEIP), Statistics and data analysis (5th yr, Master in Physics), Primordial cosmology (5th yr, Master in Physics)

  • Past: Newtonian mechanics (1st yr, Physics & Chemistry), Linear algebra (1st yr, Polytech/PEIP), Probability & Statistics (2nd yr, Physics & Chemistry), Optics & Waves (2nd yr, Polytech/PEIP), Analytical mechanics (3rd yr, Physics & Chemistry), Particle physics and primordial cosmology (4th yr, Master in Physics), Astrophysical spectroscopy (5th yr, Master in Physics), Astrophysics/numerical project (3rd yr, Physics & Chemistry CTES; and 4th yr, Master SPaCE), Physical cosmology (5th yr, Master P3TMA), Cosmology (LAM Ph.D. Summer School 2013-2014), Advanced topics in cosmology (Ph.D.)

email: <carlo.schimd AT SPAMFREE lam DOT fr>