#acl MarceauLimousin:read,write All:read = Clusters of Galaxy Circle = ---- '''We are interested in: ''' ''Discussion in this circle is focused on galaxy clusters and lensing. This includes numerical simulations of galaxy clusters, and analysis of real observations. We discuss galaxy clusters astrophysical properties (dark matter, stars and hot gas), and lensing models to describe them. In particular, we are interested in recovering the matter density profile of clusters and sub-structures with the combination of lensing and other observables (X-ray, SZ, etc). We are also interested in the characterisation of superclusters.'' ---- '''When and where we meet: ''' Friday, 15:00 AM - 17:00 PM, once in every two weeks. Room: Tramontane, 2nd floor. '''''Next Meeting:''''' Friday, April 22th. ---- ''' Minutes of meetings * [[MeetinG230916| Meeting of Sep 23rd]] * [[MeetinG290116| Meeting of Jan 29th]] * [[MeetinG120216| Meeting of Feb 12th]] * [[MeetinG260216| Meeting of Feb 26th]] * [[MeetinG110316| Meeting of March 11th]] * [[MeetinG110316| Meeting of March 25th]] * [[MeetinG220416| Meeting of April 22th]] ----