Page Name: FeedbackCircle

Feedback Discussion Circle


Our goal is to discuss every aspect of feedback in galaxies, from star formation, stellar and supernovae feedback, as well as connection with IGM.

The content will be more like a journal club, where we discuss recent papers dealing with feedback related issues. Important papers published on feedback over the last years, especially review papers, are of course of interest.

Obviously, we are all encouraged to present our own work when it is related to the theme of feedback.

We can also have presentations (short) when one of us comes back from a conference where feedback issues got addressed. Of course, all these presentations etc…are meant to be informal.

Anyone aware of deadlines for proposal, conference, project (instrument, research program, numerical tool etc…) that could be of interest is encouraged to communicate.


Every other tuesday, from 11:30 to noon (30mn), in room Lavande (1st floor)


Next meeting is tuesday Feb. 9th, 11:30am, room Lavande (1st floor).

- During our kick-off meeting, we agreed that it would be good to start by short (15mn max) introductions about how feedback is understood/defined in our respective fields. Then we have 15mn to ask questions and discuss.

We will start, by a 15mn review about stellar feedback (JCB), illustrated by recent results.

Some News:

Tuesday Feb. 9th: The first meeting took place this morning. The pdf of the presentation on stellar feedback is available here: stellar_feedback.pdf Our next meeting is scheduled on Tuesday Feb. 23rd, room Tramontane (2nd floor). It would be good to have an introduction on some different aspect of feedback. Any volunteer?

Tuesday Feb. 23rd: It seems that most of the members of the Feedback discussion circle could not make it for the meeting today. So those of us who were present agreed that we should postpone the meeting to the next schedule date, meaning Tuesday March 8th. This will give everyone enough time to read the paper we were supposed to discuss:

Tuesday March 8th:We had a discussion about the paper originally scheduled on Feb. 23rd. Related papers of interest for this topic of the influence of single stars vs binaries in the context of reionization is Concerning the role of binary models in spectral synthesis models Next meeting is scheduled for March 22nd.

Tuesday April 19th: I presented a digest of a paper by P. Crowther et al., about the massive stellar content of R136 in the LMC (, where the origin of the HeII 1640\AA line is shown to be caused by the very few, most massive stars in the cluster. A related paper to this is where the same phenomenon is observed in a blue compact dwarf galaxy (NGC 5253). Olivier Ilbert informed us that next monday (Galaxy Evolution circle), Isabelle Pâris will present a paper related to feedback by AGNs.

last edited 2016-04-19 10:47:23 by JeanclaudeBouret