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Editor: EricJullo
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== European == == European projects ==
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* ERC Advanced Grant EARLY: O. Le Fèvre - Science exploitation of the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey, a Large Program on the ESO-VLT assembling an unprecedented ~10000 redshifts and spectra of galaxies with 2<z<7.
* FP7-SPACE HELP (Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project): V. Buat, D. Burgarella. - European FP7 funded aiming to provide new techniques, tools and data for the Herschel surveys.
* FP7-SPACE Via Lactea: A. Zavagno - European FP7 funded aiming to provide new techniques, tools and data for the Herschel surveys.
* DAGAL (Detailed Anatomy of GALaxies): E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma - Marie Curie ITN (Initial Training Network) aimed at training eight PhD students and two postdocs in the field of galaxy studies as well as in a wide range of complementary skills (2012-2016).
/* ERC Advanced Grant EARLY: O. Le Fèvre - Science exploitation of the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey, a Large Program on the ESO-VLT assembling an unprecedented ~10000 redshifts and spectra of galaxies with 2<z<7. */
 * ERC Advanced Grant CONCERTO: G. Lagache - Carbon CII line in post-reionization and reionizaTiOn epoch
* FP7-SPACE HELP (Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project): V. Buat, D. Burgarella. - European FP7 funded aiming to provide new techniques, tools and data for the Herschel surveys.
 * FP7-SPACE Via Lactea: A. Zavagno - European FP7 funded aiming to provide new techniques, tools and data for the Herschel surveys.
/* DAGAL (Detailed Anatomy of GALaxies): E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma - Marie Curie ITN (Initial Training Network) aimed at training eight PhD students and two postdocs in the field of galaxy studies as well as in a wide range of complementary skills (2012-2016). */
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== National == == National projects ==
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 * ANR VIRAGE (Virgo Alterations des Galaxies):  S. Boissier, A. Boselli, O. Ilbert - 2011-2015 ANR funded project to study the mechanism of galaxy evolution in a dense environment.
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 * ANR RTCCSN (Radiative Transfer Modelling of Core-Collapse Supernovae): L.Dessart, S. Blondin - 2011-2016. ANR funded project to connect the late stages of the evolution of massive stars with their demise as core-collapse supernovae through radiative-transfer simulations.
* ANR PROBES: D. Russeil, L. Deharveng, A. Zavagno – 2009-2013. ANR aiming at characterising the properties of young OB stars detected in Galactic high mass star forming regions selected for the HOBYS Guaranteed Time program on the Herschel infrared satellite.
 * ANR BINGO (history of Baryons: INtergalactic medium
/Galaxies cO-evolution): B. Milliard, J.-M. Deharveng, L. Tresse, C. Péroux – 2009-2013. ANR funded project to study the cosmological evolution of the neutral gas and the CGM in emission.
/* ANR RTCCSN (Radiative Transfer Modelling of Core-Collapse Supernovae): L.Dessart, S. Blondin - 2011-2016. ANR funded project to connect the late stages of the evolution of massive stars with their demise as core-collapse supernovae through radiative-transfer simulations. */
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 * ANR SDSS-III/BOSS: E. Aubourg (PI from APC), J.-P. Kneib, C. roux, E. Jullo, C. Schimd, M. Limousin for the LAM node– 2013-2016. ANR project to analyze the BOSS data.  * ANR SDSS-IV/eBOSS: C. Yèche (PI from APC), S. de la Torre, E. Jullo, I. Paris, M. Pieri for the LAM node – 2015-2020. ANR project to analyze the eBOSS data.

Funded projects in the team

European projects

  • ERC Advanced Grant CONCERTO: G. Lagache - Carbon CII line in post-reionization and reionizaTiOn epoch
  • FP7-SPACE HELP (Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project): V. Buat, D. Burgarella. - European FP7 funded aiming to provide new techniques, tools and data for the Herschel surveys.
  • FP7-SPACE Via Lactea: A. Zavagno - European FP7 funded aiming to provide new techniques, tools and data for the Herschel surveys.

National projects

  • AMIDEX Chaire d’excellence (étoiles montantes) “Deep Dark Forest”: M. Pieri – 2014-2018. In the Deep, Dark Lyman-Alpha Forest: Exploring Dark Energy and Galaxy Formation Using the Intergalactic Medium
  • ANR (Hosting High-level Researchers) “Deep Dark Forest”: M. Pieri - 2015-2019 In the Deep, Dark Lyman-Alpha Forest: Exploring Dark Energy and Galaxy Formation Using the Intergalactic Medium

  • ANR SPINE: S. Arnouts, B. Milliard, M. Treyer, D. Vibert - 2014-2018. The goal is tointerpret galaxy evolution within the complex anisotropic 3D structure of the cosmic web
  • ANR SDSS-IV/eBOSS: C. Yèche (PI from APC), S. de la Torre, E. Jullo, I. Paris, M. Pieri for the LAM node – 2015-2020. ANR project to analyze the eBOSS data.
  • ANR “jeunes chercheurs” SAGACE (Stellar mass And GAlaxy CEnsus in the first 2 billion years of the Universe): O. Ilbert. O. Le Fèvre, S. Arnouts, J.G. Cuby - 2014-2018. The objective is to understand the build-up of the galaxy stellar mass in the first 2 billion years, using Spitzer deep infrared observations and preparing a spectroscopic follow-up for the most distant ones.
  • ANR NIKA2Sky: G. Lagache, M. Cousin, V. Buat, D. Burgarella. ANR project aiming at ensuring the scientific exploitation of NIKA2 at the IRAM 30m.