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GecoWiki: TransverseScienceWorkshop

Transverse Science Workshops

This is a series of workshops organised within the GECO group. The workshops are focussed on specific topics that are transverse to all research activities within the group.

1st Workshop: Machine Learning and Numerical Simulations

The first workshop of this series will be about Machine Learning and Numerical Simulations and will take pace at LAM on the 16th of April 2018.

List of proposed presentations:


Presentation Title


Machine Learning in Euclid Strong Lensing Working Group

Ignasi Pérez Ràfols

Introduction to Machine Learning on Python

Kasia Malek

Unsupervised machine learning algorithms for galaxy classification (based mostly on VIPERS sample)

Christian Surace

Status of French oppotunities in ML

Morgane Cousin

Review on semi-analytical models for galaxy formation
