
Location of the meeting

The meeting will take place on two different sites: one is located in the Academy room in the historical heart of the city, the other is located at LAM in one of the most active campus of the Aix-Marseille university.

This meeting room is close to the "des Accoules" church. It is part of an ancient building that was from 1702 to 1862 the first astronomical observatory in Marseille. This room was also the lecture hall of the ancient "Académie des Sciences, art et belles lettres" and is now a museal area for children ("Preau des Accoules"). The adress is 29 "Montee des Accoules"- 13002 Marseille.

"La montée des Accoules" The "des Accoules" church

"Le Préau des Accoules" Entrance of the lecture room

"La salle de l'Académie" The "Academy room"

attachment:Map1.jpg From the train station

attachment:Map2.jpg Walking close to the "old harbour"

attachment:Plan3.jpg The "des Accoules" area

This is the main meeting room of the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille located a few kilometers from the center of the city in the Chateau-Gombert scientific pole.

last edited 2012-07-23 15:23:34 by PierreBarge