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GecoWiki: FrontPage

Welcome to the pages of the GECO group

The Galaxies, Etoiles et Cosmologie (GECO; Galaxies, Stars, and Cosmology) group covers a wide range of topics going from stars to cosmology. In particular it covers the study of:

  • the interstellar and intergalactic media,
  • the different phases of the formation of stars,
  • the physical processes involved in the formation and the evolution of galaxies and their environment,
  • the dynamics of galaxies,
  • the large-scale structure of the Universe,
  • the dark matter properties,
  • the cosmological model.



  • On-going calls for telescope time, grants, travel money, positions, conf/workshop registrations (pertinent to the team).

Scientific life of the group


Discussion Circles - Scientific discussions around various topics.

Discussion Projects - Scientific discussions around major short/long term LAM projects .

Weekly Events

  • Café Club every Wednesday at 14h00 in the Library (Ground Floor) - An informal seminar with presentations of ~20-25 minutes. Event organizer: Carlo Schimd

  • Discussion Circles meetings (subject to changes):

    • Friday 15:00, Galaxy Evolution & Feedback

    • Friday, 14:00, Cosmology
    • On demand, Transient and multi wavelength messengers

Hosted Exceptional Events

Annual Events

Projects of the group

Teaching & Outreach

GECO group meetings

GECO wiki members & help